The Official New Bride Name Change Kit – Fax/Mail Order - KitBiz

Official New Bride Name Change Kit

Fax / Mail Order Form

1 Greenview Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009

Name:  _______________________________________________________________

Address:  _____________________________________________________________

City:______________________________  State:______________  Zip:____________

KitBiz Product: Official New Bride Name Change Kit

The less-expensive, eco-friendly option. Save money on shipping and save paper since instructions are online. A printer and internet access are required for this option.

The traditional Pre-Printed kit is preferred if you don't have a computer/internet access or prefer having all instructions and forms in a hard copy format and pre-printed for you. The Pre-Printed kit is the preferred option for gift giving and comes in a pink box.

(California Residents Add $2.45 Sales Tax)
Online Kit: $18.95 each + $2.45 (CA sales tax) = $21.40
Pre-Printed Kit by Mail: $28.95 each + $4.00 (S&H) + $2.45 (CA sales tax) = $35.40

Payment Choice:

1. Mail Payment (enclose payment)

Make check payable to Kitbiz.

2. Credit Card (check below)

Mastercard #  ____________________________________
Visa Card #  _____________________________________
Discover Card #  _________________________________
American Express #  ______________________________

Name on Card  _____________________________
Expiration Date  ____________


We gladly ship gifts (we include a gift card identifying who it's from)

A Gift For: ___________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
From: _______________________________________________